Lisa is my sister, my biggest photography fan, and best friend!
She is a beautiful person inside and out. She and I
are on the same page for the kind of pictures we like.
She loves vintage and rustic and so do I which allowed
us to wax pretty creative at the end of our shoot.
I could have taken pictures with her all day!

These next shots got us, I mean Lisa, A LOT
of honks from bored beet truck drivers.
They probably only see a sight like this in their dreams though... haha!

Thanks so much Lisa! Love ya!
Special Shout-Out THANK-YOU to Kathy Preuit for the use of
her beautiful yard and fences as well as her smoking hot boots!
Good photos! The sheer fact that your sister and sister-in-law still fit in their wedding gowns is AMAZING!
Love the first railroad track one! Great shots and angles and lighting...and everything!
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